Friday, December 26, 2008

Fav Albums of 2008

Beck - Modern Guilt - Favorite Track- "Murder"

Beck has been my favorite artist for many years, but this album stands out to me. It's a bit of a return to his Tropicalia sound but there's a message hidden in his wild mash-up lyrics this time, namely, that the world is fucked and it's our fault. But the message never gets in the way of the music, which is as quirky and beautiful and driven by danceable beats as always. Still, it's no Odelay, which was maybe the best album of the 90's but it's better than anything else I've heard.

As a side note, I've listened to The Veils album "Nux Vomica" from 2007 about 50 times this year because it's fabulous, and I love Arcade Fire.

Bring on 2009!

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